Friday, September 10, 2010

Nine Years Later

So here we are as another year has passed and another anniversary is upon us. It's now nine years since that God awful September day and I've been thinking about how much my view point on the whole situation has changed since then. I did some digging and found a post I made in the old Riot WOW Yahoo group a little after four that afternoon. Shock was still setting in as you can imagine and I just posted a few paragraphs to people I knew back then.

I live in New York City. my college is no more
then 3 blocks away from what was the world trade
center. today is a day i wish we could do over. i keep
hoping i'm gonna wake but then i put fox news on and i
see the replay of the jet crashing into the tower.
today probably over 30,000 people died in the biggest
disaster in american history.

i know i'm gonna go off on a rant....but i need to vent this. this is
just so unimaginable. the worst thing anyone ever
thought could happened would be a chemical attack with
maybe anthrax or small pox in lower manhattan or maybe
a small nuclear device gets set off and part of
manhattan gets blown away. but this no one thought could
happen. i personally hope the person who is responsible
for this is caught and is then slowly killed. these
people deserve a slow and painful death.

My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who was killed and
injured in this attack.

oh god please wake me

Now obviously it wasn't as bad as many feared it could have been with 30,000 dead that day. The official toll at the World Trade Center as of today is 2,752 dead and God knows how many more dying from all the stuff that was in the air down there after the attacks.

I am really trying to bite my tongue right now so I don't sound like a raving lunatic. 9/11 is a day I so vividly remember and it's clear to me and so many others that everything we saw on television and that happened after it was all one big lie. I'm not going to get into 9/11 conspiracies. Most people who know me know where I stand on that whole issue. All I do know is it's nine years later and we still have a giant hole in the fucking ground down there. What's being built is a testament to the coruption and greed of the LMDC, Pataki, and Silverstien, and anyone else involved in the "rebuilding". I'm sure the 9/11 Memorial once it's finished will be something amazing to see so that the day is never forgotten. But 1 World Trade Center aka The Freedom Tower is a joke.

They should have started rebuilding the Twin Towers the moment the last piece of debris was cleared from Ground Zero.

Nine years later and what is everyone concerned about now? Some Mosque two blocks away and a nut case Preacher who wants to burn some Koran's. Hey how about where's that Bin Laden fellow or why the hell are we even still bothering with Afghanistan is the "enemy" isn't really there anymore?

This is why I hate writing about 9/11, I'm all over the place right now. Emotions are running high as usual.

I think I will close with this. It's nine years later and we're supposed to believe a couple of nimrods were able to pull off flying a 757 less then a foot off the ground with out so much as leaving a scratch on the lawn of the Pentagon and that same 757 fit into a 16 foot wide hole.

Ponder that as the media cranks up the distractions today.