Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti, Brown's Win, And Other Assorted thoughts for 1/21/09

So I am doing my best to try and keep this thing updated with new content straight from the ever jumbled mess that is my mind.

Watching the news coming out of Haiti is sad to say the least. Haiti by all accounts is on the same level as any number of Central African countries. Years of corruption and mismanagement left the poor half of the Isle of Hispaniola in a tough spot. This coming Friday night there's going to be this huge Hollywood telethon for Haiti. What this plans to accomplish I don't know other then a lot of rich people being able to say "they did something". Money is not the answer when it comes to Haiti. Billions have been given to them before and many Billions will go to the rebuilding and it won't do much good if the same inept Government is in charge of it all. The only solution I see is the most simple one and that's Haiti needs to become a full fledged US Territory. Haitians are always trying to come to this country in the most desperate and dangerous of ways. Well I say lets just make it a a territory and lets rebuild from the inside out. Granted this idea might be a stretch but it has to be better then the US Military being stationed there for an indefinite amount of time. I think many would agree if Haiti became a US Territory it would solve so many problems with the tiny little Island nation. Who knows if it became a territory in 20 or 30 years it might not be the hell hole it's been for so long.

Moving along, here in the states a huge upset occurred in the special election to fill the seat of Ted Kennedy when Scott Brown a Republican won. If this were any other state it might not be such a big deal, but when it's the bluest of the blue states in Massachusets and it's Ted Kennedy's seat it's about as big of an upset as it gets. Many who voted for him had voted for Obama in 2008 and voted for him simply because they were sick and tired of Obama's agenda. The woman that Brown defeated, Martha Coakley would have been another rubber stamp vote in the senate so the people of Massachusetts to their credit said HELL NO and they voted in someone different. Now I only hope that Mr. Brown is what he appears to be and he doesn't get corrupted by the Beltway insiders of the GOP. The Republicans much like the Democrats have the same kind of ilk who ruin people so I only hope Brown's win is the first of many wins this year where incumbents on both sides find themselves being thrown out of office. The status quo and people just assuming they will have their seat for life is no longer something that will happen. 2010 is just the start of what many hope will be a real change in Washington as the old either retire or are forced out to the pasture. It's not to say there aren't some good long term people in Congress, but the vast majority of them are there just because people vote them in over and over because they don't know any better. I think 2010 will be the year that changes.

Apparently China is up to it's old tricks and at Cyber war with Google. They did a huge cyber attack on Google trying to get e-mails and other information on humanitaran types and others. Why does this sort of stuff surprise anyone anymore? China despite all the money we've pumped into it and all the money of ours they own still is Communist and you can never trust a Commie. Google is now saying they'll leave China unless China lifts it's censorship rules. Yeah there's a fat chance that will happen. Even if China suddenly said OK GOOGLE YOU WIN if anyone thinks for a minute they would actually free up the Internet over there I have a bridge here in New York I can sell you.

I saw this article yesterday and I just had to shake my head.

A 13 year old girl in Saudi Arabia will be getting 90 lashes for the horrible unforgivable crime of having a cell phone on her. I don't think I can say anything that probably hasn't been said all ready about the joke that is Saudi Arabia. If there is any country in the world where the people should rise up and over throw the religious government that controls them it's the people of Saudi Arabia. Next to Iran that country is just begging for a revolution. Of course odds are if there ever was one it would just replace one ruling family of wackjobs with another. But hey maybe women could at least walk with someone they aren't married to or even sit in the front seat of a car and dare I say drive. I really hope we've hit peak oil because if any country deserves to lose it's wealth and power it's them.

I think that's it for now. 2010 is off to an interesting start so here's to the rest of the year.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Random Thoughts For The First Monday Of The New Year

So we've made it to 2010 and part of me is very disappointed. Being a firm believer in doom and gloom the fact nothing has happened up until this point has left me wondering if all this doom that has been predicted will ever happen.

Okay who am I kidding. I am very happy nothing has happened yet. Cumbre Vieja hasn't broken off from the volcano on La Palma in the Canary Islands causing a massive mega tsunami to head for the entire Eastern seaboard, Yellowstone hasn't erupted yet, and most shockingly California hasn't sunken into the sea.

I went to Best Buy today and first off the little snow storm we were having was amazing. Not so much for the snow but the wind. The wind right off the water where the Best Buy around here is was something else.

The music section was a complete mess and I couldn't find hardly anything I was looking for as usual. This is why I shop mostly on Ebay now. Not only is it cheaper, but everything is at least organized correctly. I did however pick up Chickenfoot's album along with Play My Game by Tim 'Ripper' Owens, and Liebe ist für alle da (German: "Love is there for everyone) by Rammstein. Apparently the album is censored in Germany because of the song title "Ich tu dir weh"(I hurt you) and a piece of art in the album. It's on The List of Media Harmful to Young People in Germany. I fear some day we might have the same thing in this country when a group of unelected people decide what is and isn't moral. They want to do it to the Internet (it's happening in Australia right now) so physical media wouldn't be to far behind if they can pull that off here.

Thank's to a gift card from Amazon I was able to get Alice In Chain's new album "Black Gives Way to Blue" which is amazing and you should get it if you don't have it all ready. I also got "Nostradamus" by Judas Priest, The Rise Of The Forth Reich by Jim Marrs, Bret Hart's book Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling , and Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine. I also got a couple of Barnes & Nobel classics in Dracula and Wuthering Heights. Looking at all the books I have, I am in need of a bookshelf.

Other then that there is not much of interest going on.

So here's to 2010 and let's hope it's a good one for all of us.